SSPD Gives Lex Figuereo a Ticket–His Lawyer and Local Media Go Berserk

The Saratoga Springs Police Department has issued an appearance ticket instructing Lexis Figuereo to appear in court for failing to apply for a “demonstration declaration” for the May Day Rally for Palestine held on May 1, 2024, in the city. The news coverage and editorials shrilly and inaccurately presented this as an arrest and as an assault on Figuereo’s freedom of speech. The editorial in the May 22, 2024, Daily Gazette is emblematic.

The Founding Fathers thought that the citizens’ right to gather in public places to air their grievances was so vital to a free society that they included it in the very first amendment of the new nation’s Bill of Rights.

So Saratoga Springs officials – who have a long and negative history dealing with protests and who have been chided for their oppressive tactics — might want to consider the Founders’ intentions before they go pressing charges against pro-Palestinian demonstrators for marching without a permit on May 1.

Daily Gazette

This is from Figuereo’s attorney, Mark Mishler:

“It seems particularly outrageous, considering all that has happened in the past several years, including the blistering report from the Attorney General’s Office, which found a pattern of policy on the part of officials in the city of Saratoga Springs of interfering with the First Amendment protected rights of Mr. Figuereo in particular, as well as other leaders and activists within Saratoga BLM,” he said. “It’s somewhat mind boggling how the city of Saratoga Springs, how anybody in any official capacity in the city of Saratoga Springs, could fail to understand that they are proving again, the truth of what the Attorney General’s Office has found already, which is that they are out to violate and interfere with First Amendment protected rights of Saratoga BLM and others. So I guess we will see where this goes.”

Attorney Mark Mishler To The Daily Gazette

The fact that the demonstration proceeded without any intervention should make it abundantly clear that no one’s rights to gather or to speak were interfered with. Not only did the police not stop the demonstration, but they provided security for the demonstrators by redirecting traffic as they marched down Broadway.

The appearance ticket does not deny Mr. Figuereo his right to free speech or to organize or participate in demonstrations as this news coverage would have the public believe.

It is essential to understand that there is no penalty for demonstrating per se as long as the participants do not violate the prohibitions set out in the city code or other city, state, or federal laws.

The appearance ticket has nothing to do with denying Mr. Figuereo his right to speak or to organize a demonstration.

The Requirement For A Demonstration Declaration

The pertinent city code (Section 2, chapter 98) was established in 2005, long before Black Lives Matter came into existence.

The city code requires a group to provide the city with what is called a “demonstration declaration” if it wishes to demonstrate. This form advises the city of the details of the planned event, such as when and where the demonstration will take place and its duration, so the police and fire departments can be prepared.

If the person responsible for organizing the event fails to apply for the declaration, they are subject to a potential fine of $250.00 and/or fifteen days in jail.

The application for a “demonstration declaration” is free. Council members review it to see if they have any issues or requests for further information. As long as the form is correctly filled out, it is uniformly approved.

This process had never been controversial before the pre-planned Saratoga BLM demonstrations and the pop-up demonstration by The Proud Boys. Groups organizing demonstrations have routinely met this requirement.

Unfortunately, the cover sheet for the declaration form is mistitled Procedures For Demonstration Permit, which contributes to the confusion. There are no permits involved!

If the media had done due diligence, they would have found that the coversheet for the declaration form included the following language:

98.1B: No person, corporation, partnership, or other entity shall hold or cause to be held any demonstration without first filing a declaration required by this chapter.

The declaration is simple and requires only a few minutes to complete. There are no fees involved. While it is true that the prior administrations did not enforce this, it is a reasonable requirement, as will be explained later in this post.

In other words, there was no penalty for the demonstration. The penalty was prompted by Mr. Figuereo’s insistence on ignoring his responsibility as the apparent organizer to submit the form.

The information requested in the “declaration” is not frivolous. The city must plan for staffing and other logistics to ensure a safe event. The event organizers must also acknowledge that they have read and understood all the prohibitions (such as no weapons, alcohol, etc.) and other issues for which they are responsible (possibly clean up after the event, for instance)

Filling out and delivering this form is nothing remotely onerous. Escalating this to an attack on the Constitution is absurd. It is grim that the news coverage of the reckless accusations made by Figuereo and his lawyer was so grossly uncritical.

The Declaration Cover Sheet And Form

As an aside, as a civil libertarian I have questioned the inclusion of the question, “Do you plan on having guest speakers? If yes, what topics you are promoting?” It has been explained to me, though, that this information is helpful in anticipating and preparing for what kind of counter-demonstrations might occur.

Duplicitous Cries from Lex

“It’s disgusting,” Figuereo said. “If we were openly committing a crime in front of the police, why didn’t they arrest us then?”

Lexis Figuereo in the May 22, 2024, Times Union

Readers may be familiar with BLM’s previous complaints that the city fails to de-escalate situations involving their interaction with demonstrators. It should be evident that trying to issue a citation (there is a distinction between an arrest and a citation, which will be discussed later in the post) to Figuereo during the demonstration would have risked a confrontation, which the police prudently wanted to avoid.

There is also much to be said for the prudence and caution shown by Chief Tyler and his officers. As there was no immediate danger, they took the time to carefully consider what violations, if any, were appropriate to prompt a citation.

Rather than allowing Figuereo and his colleagues to exploit their respective news organizations to vilify the city, the media needed to consider all the issues properly in their reports and commentaries.

Arrest Versus Citation

Wendy Liberatore’s Times Union report repeatedly sensationally and incorrectly claimed that the Saratoga Police were going to arrest participants in the May 1 demonstration. No such action was planned nor executed. A custodial arrest involves taking the alleged perpetrator into custody. A citation, or appearance ticket, notifies an individual that they must appear in court to answer whatever violation they are charged with. The police action was to issue a ticket, not an arrest. The TU has not printed a correction.

A violation does not constitute a criminal act. A speeding ticket is a violation. Illegally parking is a violation. Failing to apply for a “demonstration declaration” is a violation in this case. It is considered to be a minor matter. A person who commits a violation can answer truthfully on a job application that they have never been convicted of a crime.

A judge might not even fine or jail Mr. Figuereo but could merely admonish him to apply for declarations before organizing future demonstrations.

No Leader?

The city code makes the individual organizing a demonstration responsible for submitting the “demonstration declaration” form. In the news stories, Mr. Figuereo and his colleague Samira Sangare deny that Figuereo was the event organizer. I don’t know what constitutes legal proof of who the organizer of the event was. In the case of the Daily Gazette, the photos accompanying the stories show Figuereo prominently leading the marchers, addressing the participants with a bullhorn, and leading them in chants. The Saratoga BLM Facebook page also featured a post, “Calling all students workers and community members….to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people” in Congress Park on May 1. Figuereo has repeatedly been identified as the leader of Saratoga BLM. I am not a lawyer, but it does appear there is plenty of documentation of his role in organizing and leading the demonstration.

The Court Will Decide

When Mr. Figuereo finally appears in court, there will be no room for bravado and drama. Ironically, he will find himself in a situation eerily like Donald Trump’s, where he will have to sit uncomfortably as the court reviews the facts and the law. We will have to wait to see the outcome.

7 thoughts on “SSPD Gives Lex Figuereo a Ticket–His Lawyer and Local Media Go Berserk”

  1. The BLM protests have morphed into pro-Palestinian events? I would caution both the city and the BLM protestors to not fall victim to what is in all likelihood an attempt to catch the protestors supporting a listed foreign terrorist group (Hamas), which will then be used to standardize a domestic approach for prosecution.

    I am not sure the Constitution supports localities requiring permits and notifications for planned public congregations, as this seems to be a fairly straightforward attempt at infringing on the right to assemble.

    Obstructing traffic and shutting down streets without a permit warrants a ticket, but assembling in the park and walking on the sidewalks and speaking in front of city hall seems to be totally protected. Why is Figuero’s lawyer not advising him and his group to steer clear of the Palestinian issue and instead concentrate on domestic concerns directly related to the welfare of his group and petitioning for redress?


  2. We are a country and a Republic that is depend upon laws. Without them we are no different than any dictatorship.

    Mr Figuereo is no different than Donald Trump. They both feel above the law. They can do what they want without reference to democraticly passed laws.They are not nor should they be allowed to do this..

    The left is now no different than the right.?They both seem to want to destroy our legal and government structures. Mr Figuereo shame on you for carrying out the maga agenda.



  3. It should be noted that any gathering for a protest can occur in Saratoga Springs without requiring City approval as long as the number of people participating does not exceed 24. The City is not broadly restricting the first amendment rights of all groups. It is entirely reasonable that the City would require that demonstrations involving 25 people or more to be registered so that the group has the opportunity to acknowledge their understanding of what is and is not permitted during a demonstration.

    The activities of a number of protests associated with the BLM activists over the past four years, including the May 1 demonstration calling for a cease fire in Gaza, exceed the definition of a Demonstration (City code Chapter 98) and more accurately would be described as a Parade and a Special Event (City Code Chapter 151). Parades in our City do require a permit. Parades involving the closure of Broadway, a federal and state highway, require extensive preparation and adherence to NYS DOT guidelines.

    Apparently, as has been the case in the past, no one from BLM or the other sponsors, applied for either Demonstration registration or a Parade Permit for the May 1 Special Event. That’s a problem for many reasons including potential negative impacts on public safety. It’s time that the City’s codes and ordinances are enforced uniformly. As far as I know, the sponsors of the demonstration in support of Israel which took place the following week did register with the City.

    I don’t believe that there should be approvals for all who request permission for demonstrations in our City. I know that many Saratogians support the general goals of Black Lived Matter and of those in support of a Gaza cease fire as well as those who support Israel’s response to the October 7 terrorist attack. I don’t believe that our community would be comfortable with demonstrations supporting extremist views. What if the KKK or the Proud Boys seek approval for demonstrations? In my opinion, such applications should be denied. That’s not to say that they can’t demonstrate but, according to our codes, they would have to keep their numbers under 25.

    I received a lot of negative feedback when I stated that the City should never have granted a Parade Permit for the Back the Blue parade in the summer of 2020. I continue to feel that it was very insensitive for the sponsors of that event to bring it about and that City officials should not have granted the permit. Context is important. Today is the four year anniversary of George Floyd’s death which was caused directly by a police officer. That officer is now serving a 20+ sentence in prison. The entire country was reeling that summer because of that event, especially people of color. Parading down Broadway in blind support for the police was not the appropriate community response to the murder of a black man by a policeman.

    Chris Mathiesen

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mr. Mathiesen,

      I am concerned about your perception that the government permits assembly. A central tenet of our Constitution, codified in the First Amendment, is Freedom of Assembly. The Supremacy Clause prohibits State and Local laws from overriding the Federal.

      The First Amendment:

      “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

      The Supremacy Clause:

      “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

      Any group who wishes to assemble may do so. This does not mean you can obstruct traffic, harass bystanders, or break laws. A permit is only required if you wish to close a thoroughfare. There are a lot of unconstitutional laws on the books, and I am concerned that you held an elected office and think it legal to exercise discretion on permit issuance. While you (or we) may not want the KKK or Proud Boys to assemble, they have every right to do so, just like BLM.

      Cato Adams


      1. Cato,

        Any group wanting to assemble in Saratoga Springs may do so. They just have to follow the City’s very reasonable rules and guidelines. As I said, the KKK can demonstrate without a permit or having to register as long as fewer than 25 individuals are involved. However, a citizen of our City, I would not be happy if the KKK was granted formal City approval for a demonstration or parade. The KKK as well as the Proud Boys stand for values that are abhorrent to the overall majority of our residents. This is not Charlottesville or Selma. We are not obligated to hand over access to our public spaces to large groups who promote hatred and bigotry.

        BLM should be applying for necessary approvals if they are going to organize protests involving 25 or more people or fall under our definitions of a parade or a special event. Those are reasonable guidelines for a community in order to maintain order, safety, fairness and equal access to public space.

        Chris Mathiesen


  4. Just my personal view, I think Lexis WANTS to be arrested. He thinks of himself as the martyr, or the new MLK. He needs a lot of attention, and now he is getting it.

    As long as our former President was mentioned in this presentation, I’ll say that not only our Nation, but the entire World is watching the outcome of the trial. I wonder if we are prepared for a guilty verdict? Obviously, the conman is guilty as charged. But what a sh*tshow every day. There doesn’t seem to be any other news reported in any media. Everywhere we turn, there are new polls every day, sometimes multiple polls. How does this affect your opinions, and how does all the nonsense affect the younger generation? Before Trump, most intelligent voters kept their political views to themselves. Now it seems to be a badge on their sleeve to admit that they will vote for Trump no matter the outcome of the trials, and no matter what Reich he may promise his sheep.


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